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Song #2, February - “Flowers”

Here it is, February's song - the second song of #Project2020

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The UK has come out of EU in January.⁠

My home now is here in London.⁠

I also have a home in Romania, where I was born and lived until 7 years ago.

Somehow, none of them truly feels like a home.⁠

But without the EU I would have never been here. I wouldn't have been able to study in England, meet my partner, improve my music SO much. My life would have been completely different. For better, for worse? Not hundred per cent sure. I would have spent more time with my family. But now, part of my family (my sister) is here. ⁠

Where is home? WHAT is home?⁠

Sometimes I feel like my souls is torn in two halves, floating in a restless in-between. Home is being with the people that you love. But which of them? How do you choose? What if you don't get to choose?⁠

These are a few of the thoughts that were going through my head when I wrote "Flowers."⁠

For more info about Project 2020, have a look here:

Just like always, my music is free to listen to, but I've also just setup a GoFundMe page for any of you who might want to support me with a donation, just to help keep this going:

Thank you for listening!!! ❤️

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